My neighbor has a Walnut tree in their yard that we enjoy the shade from during the Summer. For quite a few years I’ve watched to see what day that all its leaves fall, because literally it happens in a time span of one or two days. It happens in November and if not on its own it’s helped by the first frost. A couple of times right around Veteran’s Day I’ve sat in our window seat and watched the leaves fall like snow.
At the present time there are just a few gold leaves on the tree, so we’ve got a few more weeks of green!
Studio Meringue has a Fall line of cards and below are just a few that should remind you of the clear crisp days ahead of us.

Every September the little town of Tangent, Or. has a Harvest Festival. Their Fire Department puts on a Pancake Breakfast and this year I enjoyed their table decorations. Starting out an early Fall morning at their breakfast in September is a nice way to get into the spirit of the season.

The birds are enjoying this Sunflower that came up as a volunteer in my backyard.

Speaking of birds, I watched a great documentary about a Crow study being done at Washington University. Did you know that a grouping of Crows is called a “murder?” Also, the difference between a Crow and a Raven is the size, a Raven is larger. My new series of Art Journal Cards pays homage to the Crow.

A friend of mine said this photo looks like pumpkins at a Crow concert!

I love the colors in this photo. The dahlia itself is a magnificent work of nature and it reminds me of a fireworks burst, but the cloth in the background lends a few complimentary colors that bring nice nuances to the whole photo.

This summer my brother had a garden filled with wonderful flowers, tomatoes and various berries. I took this photo at the end of the season when there were just a few Raspberries left.

Area Quilt shops are having a “Shop Hop” this month and The Quilt Loft in downtown Albany is on the map for it. Studio Meringue has a collection of “sewing themed” cards, gift bags and gift tags for sale at The Quilt Loft. Below are a couple of examples.

This is a card photo of the quilt my Grandmother Westerman made for me, waaaaayyyyyy back in 1958! I’m surprised it’s still in one piece! There is not one stitch done on a sewing machine. Truly handmade.

And finally, a peek at a Studio Meringue holiday card in the works……

Thank you for taking a look at just a small portion of my Fall Line-up of products.
If you have any questions just click on the “Contact” or “Place your request” link above and send me a message!
A wonderful season to you!