Vintage Roost is finishing up its Winter Opening this weekend. Open 12/9 Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-5, you don’t want to miss this Christmas Spirit filled little shop. New this weekend: Creamy wool hanging mittens and stockings fashioned with vintage trims and buttons, a new batch of Paperwhites potted in surprisingly fun vintage containers, a freshly built batch of Old Fashioned Snowmen, Apple Cinnamon Pull Aparts, Beautifully iced Christmas Sugar Cookies! Plus fresh greens: wreaths, cedar baskets, swags, centerpieces, and more….
Located in North Albany at 935 NW Scenic Dr. it’s just 1/2 mi. off Hwy 20.
Below are a few new things that are available at Vintage Roost from Studio Meringue!

If you can’t make it to the Roost, you can order directly through me on my website.