Vintage Roost is open May 4th – May 26th, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am – 5pm. This enchanting little shop is located in North Albany at 935 NW Scenic Dr. just 1/2 mi. off Hwy 20.
Handmade gifts for the Home and Garden, Antiques, Collectables, Fresh Baked Goods and more. I have a line of Mother’s Day cards available this weekend and next. Then I’ll have Father’s Day cards the last two weekends, plus some new items from my Studio! Below are a few photos taken at the Roost, of the May Opening!

A sampling of Studio Meringue cards available at the Vintage Roost.

These are just a few of the cards I have at Vintage Roost this weekend. Every week there will be new and different card images available. Plus a couple of new products that are brand new creations from my Studio…. And remember, if you can’t make it to the Roost, send me an email and we can get together for a private showing!
Until next week!
Thank you for visiting, Florence