New At The Studio

Blank Paper Journals. At just 8.5″ x 5″ they slip easily into a portfolio or purse. Each include 12 blank pages and a pocket on the inside back cover for storage. Plus a spanking new black pencil! Use them for keeping lists such as grocery, gift giving ideas, use as a journal to document your gardening activities, daily musings, favorite quotes, or “to do” lists. I have sticky note fever, and because sticky notes can make a desk look so messy in a hurry, I keep them all corralled in a blank journal. Each handmade Blank Paper Journal is $8.50.

There are a few different photos to choose from. Click on Place Your Request above, and I’ll contact you about choices. Thank you!

Valentine’s at Vintage Roost

Time to visit Vintage Roost for the Valentine Open House. Located in North Albany at 935 NW Scenic Dr. it’s just 1/2 mi. off Hwy 20. Vintage Roost will be open Fridays & Saturdays, February 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th, 10-5pm.

As you know I love to find and photograph heart shapes. I’ve created a few items with my photos that I would be honored for you to share with others or give to yourself on Valentine’s Day!  Click on photos below to get a closer look.  If you cannot make a visit to Vintage Roost, all the items you see on my website are available directly through me, just click on the “Place Your Request” tab above and send me an email. Thank you.

Last Weekend Of Sales At Vintage Roost

There are a lot of new things at Vintage Roost this weekend and it’s also the last weekend of the Winter Open House, so if you’re still needing that wonderfully unique gift, stocking stuffer, fresh greens or delicious baked goods for your Holiday Celebrations the Roost will be open Friday & Saturday 12/10 – 12/11, from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
These photos are of just a couple of things that Studio Meringue has for sale at the Roost.

Winter Show At Vintage Roost

Studio Meringue will be one of the featured artists at the Vintage Roost’s Holiday showing! Fridays and Saturdays, November 20th through December 11th. Hours are 10:00 – 5:00. The Studio will have Gift Bags, Gift Enclosure Cards, Postcards, and Blank Cards all featuring Winter photography for sale. Every weekend of the show you will find new things for sale. Below are just a few of the items that you will see over the next 3 weekends!

The Scent of Peppermint

If you are having a holiday party this season, consider sending postcards as invitations. The front of these postcards feature a Studio Meringue photo of a felt Christmas ornament on a bed of sweet Peppermint candy canes, with a standard postcard affixed to the reverse side.  They are $2.00 each and as soon as you received them, just fill them out, stamp them with a postcard stamp, and they are ready to mail!  These cards are ready to order through my website, just click on “Place your request” above or right here.

Studio Meringue featured at Vintage Roost

Red Zinnias
Photo Art Card
Yellow Pumpkins on Blue Tiles
Photo Art Card

The “Vintage Roost” is a seasonal gift shop nestled in the scenic hills of the North Albany countryside. You are invited to the little barn under the oak trees to celebrate the coming of Autumn at the Harvest Time Open House.  Studio Meringue will have gift bags, photo art cards and enclosure cards for sale.

Dates:  Fridays & Saturdays, September 24th – October 2nd. 10am to 5pm.

Location: 935 NW Scenic Dr. 1/2 mile off Hwy. 20 in North Albany.